List of Facilities Utilizing ÐÔÊӽ紫ý's Terminal Feed Service
- APL Central Global Gateway
- APM Terminals - sends to ALL APM terminals
- ASI Terminals - NJ
- Ben E. Nutter - also known as STS - Oakland
- C&C Maintenance & Repair - Newark, NJ
- CA United Terminals
- California Cartage Co.
- Ceres Terminals
- ConGlobal Industries
- ConGlobal - Portland, OR
- Conley Terminal (Massport)
- Crowley - Port Everglades facility
- CSX Intermodal Terminals
- Delta Container, Inc. (depot)
- East Coast Warehouse - Custom Exams Station
- EMS Global Gateway South (Eagle Marine Services-LA)
- Everport Terminals
- Fast Lane Transportation (CY)
- First Coast Logistics
- Florida Intl Terminal (FIT) (Formerly South Stevedoring - Port Everglades FL)
- Freeport - TX
- Georgia Port Authority (GPA)
- G.T. Container Service (depot)
- Global Terminal -NJ
- H & M International Transportation (Customs & CY yard)
- Harrington Trucking Inc. (depot)
- Husky Terminal
- IMS (dispatcher for Zim Moves)
- Integrated Marine Services (formerly Barbours Cut Intermodal Services)
- Intermodal Cartage- Haslet, TX
- Intermodal Cartage - Memphis, TN
- Intermodal Cartage - Nashville, TN
- Intermodal Cartage - Wilmar, TX
- Int'l Asset Systems
- Intl Transportation Services (ITS)
- Intransit Container (CY)
- International Cargo Equipment
- J-T Trucking CY (Web Access Only)
- Jacksonville Intl Gateway (SSA Cooper)(Blount Island - (BIJ))
- Long Beach Container Terminal (LBCTI) Pier F
- Long Beach Container Terminal (LBCT) Pier E
- Maher Terminals
- Marex Intermodal (CY)
- Mason Dixon Intermodal (MDII) (CY)
- Montreal Gateway Terminal
- Norfolk Southern
- Northstar National Repair (NNR) (depot)
- North Carolina Port Authority
- Northwest Container Service (CY)
- NY Container Terminal (NYCT) (formerly: Howland Hook)
- Oakland 57 & 58 - SSA Terminal
- OCT - Tacoma
- Pacific Container Terminal (PCT) Pier J - Long Beach
- Pacific Crane Maintenance Co., LP (PCMC)
- Packer Avenue/Holt/Greenwich-Philad. PA
- PCT - Tacoma (Pierce County Terminal)
- Pomtoc - Miami
- Port Everglades-FL
- Port Newark Container Terminal (PNCT)
- Port of Houston - La Porte, TX (Bayport /Barbours Cut)
- Port of Portland - T-6
- Portland Container Repair
- Ports America - Dundalk
- Ports America - LA - Napolenon Avenue (New Orleans)
- Ports America - Tampa FL
- Ports America - Outer Harbor
- Ports America - Seagirt
- Port of Lewiston - ID
- Price Transfer - Custom Exam Station
- Quality Container Transport
- Quick180
- Red Hook (Formerly: ASI Terminals- NJ)
- Seaport Intermodal - Ontario
- Seattle T18
- Shippers Transport (Seattle, WA) (CY)
- Shippers Transport Express (Carson City, CA) (CY)
- South Carolina State Ports Authority (Wando Terminal), also handles Wilmington NC Port
- Southern Intermodal Xpress, Inc.
- SSA Cooper (also known as: Jacksoville Int'l Gateway)
- SSA Terminal A (pier J) - Long Beach
- SSA Terminal - T-30 (Seattle, WA)
- STS - Oakland see Ben E. Nutter
- Talleyrand- Jacksonville
- Tioga Marine Terminal
- Trapac - goes to LAX, OAK & JAX
- TransMaritime Central (web access only)
- TransMaritime - Laredo & Pharr (web access only)
- TTI - Oakland
- TTI - Seattle
- TTI Long Beach
- Ultra Depot, Inc. (Montreal)
- Union Pacific
- Universal Intermodal Services, Inc. (Formerly: Mason Dixon Intermodal)
- VIT- incl NIT, Portsmouth, Newport News
- Washington United Terminals (WUT)
- WBCT - Los Angeles
- Yangming Marine Transport
- Yusen Terminal (Long Beach)
A special thank you to our premium level partners for your continued support.